The Friends of Wilderness Park organization takes great pride in the quality and upkeep of Wilderness Park. We rely on the generous donations of people like you in our community to continue our mission of providing our community with a place to experience nature. That’s why this year donations made during the annual Give to Lincoln campaign will go to improvements of Wilderness Park. The Lincoln Parks Foundation – coordinating the initiative – explains that Wilderness Park relies on the generous donations of people like you in our community. Donate to the park through the annual Give to Lincoln Day from now until May 25. You can donate to Wilderness Park online at the Give to Lincoln website (https://www. givetolincoln.com/) – or send a check in the envelope provided. Wilderness Park serves as the largest park in our community – located in southwest Lincoln – with more than 1,400 acres of wilderness to explore. It features a variety of trailheads and more than 17 miles of dirt hiker/ biker/equestrian trails through dense forest, meadows and creek beds. The park instantly connects to the hearts of those who traverse its trails and bridges. It invites them to escape, to connect, to explore and to belong. The park is truly something for everyone – like an old friend, every visit, every season offers something new, yet still maintains a comforting sameness. Be a friend to this park by donating and enriching the lives of many two-legged and four-legged park enthusiasts in our community. This is your opportunity to leave your legacy in Wilderness Park. It's your Wilderness.